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Are you READY to run your business from a space of PLEASURE?

Do you still remember why you became a business babe in the first place?

How you were dreaming of getting out of the 9-5 structure and an annoying boss telling you what to do.

How you were dreaming of freedom; freedom to be fully, authentically yourself and to create a life that turns your soul on fire.

How you wanted to feel excited, joyful, inspired and motivated to get out of bed every day, to go do something that you absolutely LOVE.

NOW LET ME FAST FORWARD TO YOUR LIFE THESE DAYS, which is mainly filled with…


…doing, going, accomplishing, achieving, working on that never ending to do list, …

… feeling like there is never enough time, you are overwhelmed, stressed, and lost for direction, and so you start doing even more.

You hired a business coach, implemented the marketing and sales strategy that they suggested, which led you to more optimizing, more strategizing, more growth,

more, more, more, more, more…

Now don’t get me wrong, because yes you can achieve a lot operating solely from your masculine energy, but

are you deeply satisfied and fulfilled?

Are you FEELING that excitement, joy, and inspiration that was your reason for becoming a business babe in the first place?

It is not natural for a woman to always be operating from her masculine energy. Your body is literally not built for it.

(Note: this doesn’t mean that you are ‘weaker’ than men, stop trying to prove that).

Your body has a cyclic nature.

Your essence is about feeling and flowing.


You are built for pleasure

Your sexuality is your radiance.

You can attract and magnetize.

So running your business only from doing, going and achieving is never going to make you happy. Instead, it will do the opposite, burn you out.

What if I told you that you can create and run your business fueled by



Welcome to…

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The RECLAIM journey - Business Babe Edition is a 6 week feminine embodiment journey and business mistressmind for women who are ready to stop going into overdrive and overwhelm and into constant doing and going mode and instead start doing business from a place of pleasure, ease and flow; a place of surrender, where you attract, magnetize and receive your way to your goals.


Who is this for?

…You desire to feel calm, relaxed, nourished and deeply fulfilled while running your business instead of constantly worrying about that never ending to do list.

…You are ready to ditch the unhealthy masculine; doing, going, working hard, more, more more way of doing business.

…You want to reclaim and unlock you feminine wisdom and incorporate it in all areas of your life, including your business/entrepreneurship journey.

…You want to work WITH your feminine nature (instead of fighting against) and are ready to let her magic show you a more pleasurable, easeful and effortless way.

This is not for you if…

…You are looking for a quick-fix business strategy and money making solution.

…You are looking for a ‘classical’ business coach that will help and teach you specific sales and marketing strategies and tells you exactly what to do.



I offer free inspiration/discovery calls for those women that feel a pull towards the journey. Let’s hop on a call to see if it is a match!

You have full permission to book this call even if you feel like this might not be the right time yet, if you feel scared, if you are not sure if this is really for you, if you can’t afford it right now. You’ll walk away feeling inspired no matter what and I would love to meet you!

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 VIDEO testimonal

‘I really like your energy, you keep it light. Sometimes these topics can be quite heavy and confronting, but you have a way to really keep it light.’

In this video I have a chat with Zanella, who is a freelance event manager. Her biggest breakthroughs during the journey were:

(1) ‘Understanding my natural cycle. This changed so much for my daily life, whether that is work, my relationship with my friends and boyfriend.’

(2) ‘Another breakthrough were the embodiment practices, being on your mat, lying, sitting, standing still, dancing, they way that made me feel was something very new and at the same time felt extremely comfortable and extremely liberating.’




Meet Linda, who is an epic photographer:

The main doubt before joining the journey was that I didn’t want to end up in a henhouse of women just talking and having to listen and get involved in other people’s emotional processes and struggles. Basically, I didn’t want to end up in a stereotypical ‘women’s’ support group setting’.

And I didn’t at all, which got confirmed during the discovery call with Dieke, it was then that I straight away knew, yes this is for me. The journey was epic! I got to explore my femininity and do it with a playful approach. I really embrace being a woman now and I love it! I realized that we women are so much more than we get taught. I feel more connected to my body and experienced some big shifts. For example, the breast massage exercise was very eye-opening for me. After two weeks of practicing it I really noticed a shift in the sensitivity of my breasts (in a very good way). This made me realize that there is so much more to feel and experience, I just need to connect more to my body. I know now that there is so much more possible than I taught, that there is way more to unlock, which is amazing!

Because of the journey I understand myself so much better. Before the journey there were some things with my cycle and my sexuality where I was wondering ‘Is this normal? Does everyone have this?’ I know now why I was experiencing certain things and it feels so liberating to understand. The journey was really valuable! Dieke made me feel super safe and her approach is very personal and at the same time it has a clear structure, which I really enjoyed!

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…make you come alive like never before, basically your light and inner fire will be switched on, so get ready to up-level in all areas of your life, including your business!

…make you feel sexy, confident, juicy and playful, without shame and insecurities, so you will be able to put yourself and your offerings out there without holding back and playing small.

…help you to achieve your business goals with pleasure, ease and flow!

…deeply connect you to your body, intuition and feminine power and show you how to use this as the foundation of your business.

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Practical Information


April 23rd

  • The journey starts on Saturday April 23, that is when the first session takes place.

  • The schedule: follows soon.

  • Each Saturday and Wednesday call takes place from 9am - 10.30am Europe time (GMT+1).

  • Every call will be recorded in case you can’t make it live. You keep access to the zoom call recordings for three months and you get to keep the workbook packages forever, so even if you can’t follow it fully along you have enough time to finish your journey after in your own pace.



6 workshops & mistressmind

  • The main components of the journey are the six live zoom calls/workshops on Saturday.

  • You will get a workbook package after every call, which includes exercises, and mediations and embodiment video/audio recordings to deepen the workshop teachings.

  • Besides these workshops this round includes a mistressmind component, during these sessions we will set business intentions and goals and specifically focus on how to reach these goals during the journey, but in the feminine way.

  • There will be a whatsapp group where you get to ask all your questions and connect with other women.

  • BONUS: two feminine embodiment movements sessions to deeply nurture you during the week and get you into a relaxed nervous system mode, value of 97 euros.



  • The investment price is 1499 euros.

  • The investment for this journey can be payed in 2, 3 or 4 installments (no extra charges), message me on instagram @dieketerweel and we sort it out!

  • I offer FREE discovery calls if you want to really make sure the journey is the perfect fit for you, please select a time that suits you and I can’t wait to meet you!

  • The journey investment is non-refundable.



Book a FREE discovery call

I would love to meet you and can’t wait to welcome you in the RECLAIM journey! I offer free inspiration/discovery calls for those women that feel a pull towards the journey. Let’s hop on a call to see if it is a match!

You have full permission to book this call even if you feel like this might not be the right time yet, if you feel scared, if you are not sure if this is really for you, if you can’t afford it right now. You’ll walk away feeling inspired no matter what and I would love to meet you!

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The RECLAIM journey includes six workshops/modules. Some modules come with extra pre-recorded videos and you will get a workbook package after every module, which includes exercises, and mediations and embodiment video/audio recordings to deepen the workshop teachings.

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Masculine & Feminine

The first workshop is all about creating more awareness. It is about creating the masculine foundation for the rest of the journey. Connecting to your feminine essence and wisdom and running your business from this place actually requires you to be very much in touch with your masculine energy, which is all about awareness, structure, direction, intention, motivation and routine.We will dive into mindset work around what it means to be a business woman and unravel the limiting beliefs you were taught that are holding you back from fully stepping into your feminine power.

Cyclic nature

IMPORTANT: Yes this module and this course is valuable even if you do NOT have your natural cycle.

You are most likely taught to hide, shame and ignore your menstruation cycle. However, there lies great power in working with your cycle instead of against it, especially when it comes to running your business. Your cycle forms your feminine foundation, understand your cycle fully and you will be guided every single month to shed a layer of yourself and your business that is no longer serving and step into a new and deeper level of your true self. Each phase of your cycle holds the key to a different aspect of your feminine wisdom and we will be embodying the energetics of it. Because did you know that the feminine cycle is the same as the business creation cycle?

Emotional Alchemy

Your pussy and womb are the receptive pole of your body, meaning it attracts, and therefore is also the place in your body that tends to store unprocessed emotions like shame, fear, anger and trauma that you’ve experienced. Running a business is not easy and comes with A LOT of fears, doubts, and worries ‘Will I be able to support myself? Are people going to like this new offering?, etc.’ These unprocessed emotions easily form blocks, obstructing you from fully unlocking your feminine power. During this workshop we will dive into the topic of emotional alchemy, which teaches you how to quickly release and transform emotions when they arise instead of numbing and repressing these parts of yourself.


Shamelessly Sensual

For so many of us -if not all- one of the main powers that stands between us and self-acceptance, us and self-love, is shame. Shame runs two tapes: ‘you are not good enough’ and if you can talk yourself out of that one, ‘who do you think you are’. This plays a big role when it comes to being able to sell yourself and your offering/business as it dims your light and covers your radiant, sensual, magnetizing feminine expression. Shame thrives on secrecy, silence and judgement and so we are going to bring it out of the shadows and into the light. Most importantly we will let go of those shame layers to set your juicy, sensual self free!

Orgasmic Awakening

Your pussy is your feminine energy center and she is built for pleasure. Sexual energy is creative energy, it is the energy that gives you a spark and makes you feel alive. It is this energy that is key to create and birth your ideas into actual offerings. In order to step into your full feminine expression in your business it is key to connect to and awaken this part of your body. In this workshop you will learn how to activate your sexual energy and we will dive into the topic of physical and energetic orgasms and awaken your orgasmic potential, so you will be able to manifest all of your business goals, visions and dreams from a place of pleasure.

Pussy Power

It is time for you to take up space in the world and step into your ‘too muchness’. Your pussy power helps you to attract and manifest anything you are desiring into your life, this is the feminine way! No more playing small, your soul came here to live a BIG life, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this in the first place. During this last workshop we will break through any fears of being seen and connect you to feminine power; your pussy, your heart, and your intuition/third eye, so you can really start shining your light and walk the path you are meant to.



Besides the six core modules, this round of RECLAIM comes with a special Mistressmind (the feminine version of a mastermind) component. During the mistressmind sessions you will set your business intentions and goals and it is here where you get to uplevel your business, but in the feminine way and with a team of other powerful women as your support and cheerleaders.

Get ready to take your business to the next level during these six weeks and be surprised on how things can fall magically in place and get manifested when you operate from your feminine wisdom and power!



In this video I have a chat with Soraya about her RECLAIM journey experience. She talks about the doubts she was having before joining, how her experience was, and what her biggest takeaways are.


‘Before joining the RECLAIM journey I thought that I was really aware of myself, I have done a lot of personal development work, but this journey is something else…’

In this video I have a chat with Romy about her RECLAIM journey experience. She talks about the shame she had around her sensuality and sexuality and shares how she now looks at her body differently.



I have a Masters in Innovation Management and studied it for 6 six years, which means I am trained in setting up new businesses, to go from idea to actual development, implementations, sales and marketing of a product/service.

However, all this theory and strategy did not prepare me for the actual entrepreneurship journey, it didn’t prepare me for the amount of personal development I needed, for the amount of emotions, fears, worries I would have to face in order to actually start and run a business. It didn’t prepare for the amount of limiting beliefs I had to break through in order to do it my way, to create a business that fits me, that fits being a woman, that is supportive and nourishing, instead of draining. 


 Want to join RECLAIM?

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How interactive is the journey? Am I expected to share things?

No you are not expected to share anything. This is YOUR journey. You can join the live zoom calls with or without video. I will give the opportunity to share and reflect during calls, which is actually always really beneficial, for yourself and for the other women, because we can learn so much from each other. However, sharing is never required if you don’t feel like it.

I don’t have a lot of time, how much is the time investment?

This journey requires commitment, however we are all business woman and therefore always have many things on our mind, and so this journey is designed in such a way to be only supportive. Every session will deeply nurture and inspire you, it feel free up new energy you weren’t aware of, plus by diving into the feminine way of doing business you will get to see and experience that you actually can work less and achieve sooooo much more!

Can I ask personal questions during the course?

Yes you can, you can ask questions in the whatsapp group. Also, there will be moments during the calls in which you can ask questions. If something is really personal, you can send me a personal message.

I am feeling a bit nervous and scared about the journey and the topic, is this normal?

Yes totally normal! And even more reason to join and step out of your comfort zone. The topics of this journey are in general hidden, shamed and ignored in society and therefore it can feel quite uncomfortable to start learning about them. I know, because I felt the same. But I promise you it’s so worth it and I am here to support you along the way.

I cannot join live on Saturdays at 9am (GMT+2 - Europe time), is that a problem?

No, that is not a problem. The calls will be recorded, so you won’t be missing out on anything. However, I do recommend that if you can, you join live!

I am on anti-conception and don’t have a natural cycle, is the course still useful for me?

Yes very much so! Only one workshop really focuses on the menstruation cycle and even if you don’t have a natural cycle it is still very useful to understand the energetics and seasons of it, plus you can still work with your cyclic nature by following the moon phases. This is all explained during that specific workshop.


Any more questions?

I offer free inspiration/discovery calls for those women that feel a pull towards the journey, but are also not exactly sure what to expect and if the journey is really for them, let’s get on a call to see if it is a match. You can ask me any questions!