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Are you currently feeling in balance?

Once in a while I drift off, away from myself, like a part of me takes over that is taught to go, to do, to think, to push, to achieve.

I forget, I forget what is really important, and with so I disconnect, from myself, from my body, from my feminine nature. 


Why does this happen?


Because there is one thing that you don’t have to do when you are in the masculine/doing/going/giving loop and that is


You are taught that feeling and surrendering is scary, unsafe, bad, distracting, weak, exactly because it actually means the opposite.

It gives you direct access to your feminine essence, intuition and power.

So let’s snap you out of the unhealthy overdrive loop and…


… get ready to return home, to yourself, your body and your feminine essence!


Welcome to…


Get ready for a week that will fully RESET your energy, help you reconnect to your feminine essence, and will leave you feeling balanced and inspired for life!


Is the RESET for you?


Well are you doing, going, giving a lot in your life?

Now do you slow down, relax, receive and surrender AS MUCH as you are doing in your life?

If the answer is no, you will need the RESET sooner or later.

You might already be in that space.

Do you recognize any of this?


Then the RESET is for you!

Now if your mind is going:

‘I don’t have the time to slow down’ ⁣
‘I am to busy to give in to feeling and my emotions, that will come later’ ⁣
‘I need to make sure that I do x, x, and x first before I can really enjoy life and experience pleasure’

The RESET is even more for you!⁣



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The feminine reset journey consists of five steps, each with its own theme and intention. It is a masterfully and magically crafted journey, designed to return you to your feminine essence and a place of surrender and balance.



The opening, the first step of the reset, is designed to create an opening in the masculine/doing/overdrive loop that you are stuck in. It is designed to sooth you, to help you slow down, and come back to softness, and connection to your body. It is gentle, soft and loving!⁣


After this opening is created it is time for the second step, the rebellion, and fully break the chains of resistance and do the opposite of what you were taught; aka feeling. It is designed to crack you open in an easeful and playful way.


Now that you are back into your body and connected to your emotions its time to use those tools to fully liberate you, freeing you from any fixed box or shape you have been stuck in. Get ready to unlock your natural ability to flow and change like water,


Once your heart is liberated the pathway to pleasure is cleared and ready to be walked, which is what you will be doing during step 4, the awakening. Time to awaken you sensuality and get in touch with your sexual, creative energy, the energy that will make you feel alive again!


Now that you are back home and your fire is burning again, it is key to make sure that this beautiful flame of aliveness doesn’t die out by the next little breeze or splash of water. Therefore, the final step, the grounding, will make sure that you anchor this reset in your body and life. Integrating the transformation in every cell of your body so you will be able to remember.


What you get


The feminine RESET includes:

  • 10 pre-recorded embodiment practices and meditations of around 30 minutes each. For every step there is a morning and an evening practice.

  • A pre-recorded opening and closing session, helping you craft your own personal RESET journey that fits and supports your schedule and life.

  • Free ticket to the next feminine RESET community week (to be announced); including live opening, and secret bonus sessions.

  • You get to keep all of the material forever, which means that you can do the reset yourself again and again whenever you need it; it is an invaluable resource!




The Feminiene RESET is available and you will get access to all the content as soon as you sign up!

Plus, if you sign up now, you are getting the best offer! Anddd you get FREE access to the next Feminine RESET community week.


Choose your payment option here:


*The investment in non-refundable. Payment plan installments are on a monthly basis. Once you sign up for a payment plan, it will have to be completed.



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I don’t have a lot of time, how much is the time investment?

Especially when you are busy, the feminine reset and the practices will be even more important and needed in your life right now. This is why I created the reset in such a way that it will only take 1h off your time per day, for five days, which can be spread out over preferably a week (so you can have one or two days off or decide to just take your time with the journey). Also, the 1h a day is split into two different practices; a morning and evening practice of approximately 30 min each making it even easier to fit into your busy day.

‘I am not sure if I can do this’…?
'I am noticing a lot of excuses in my mind around doing practices in the morning, judgements that I won't be able to show up for a week.’

Often we tend to think that showing up for yourself is difficult, hard, that you need to be strong for it. Now what if I would tell you it is the opposite? What if instead of being strong, instead of having to push yourself and work hard for it, it is actually really easy and effortless.

You want to know the secret: Don't try, don't be strong. Be weak, be vulnerable, and just show up as you, staying true and honest to yourself moment by moment. However, what you do do is just SHOW UP!


Can I ask personal questions during the journey?

It is a pre-recorded journey however twice a year there is a live week which you automatically get to join when you get the Feminine RESET, then you can ask all your questions in the whatsapp group. Also, there will be moments during the live calls in that week in which you can ask questions. If something is really personal, you can send me a personal message.

I am feeling a bit nervous and scared about the journey and don’t really know what to expect, is this normal?

Yes totally normal! And even more reason to join and step out of your comfort zone. Women never fully understand what an embodiment practice really is, however once they try it makes all the sense and they love it, plus are blown away by its power!


I cannot join live on those dates, is that a problem? (about the RESET community week)

No, that is not a problem. The calls will be recorded, so you won’t be missing out on anything. Also, the journey is designed to be pre-recorded and to be followed in your own time and space, so it’s fits into your life. The live sessions are a bonus! I definitely recommend that if you can, join live and otherwise remember that there will be a powerful community whatsapp group to keep you accountable in the process.

I am not per se feeling super unbalanced, but I am interested though, will it still be valuable for me?

Oh absolutely!! I actually highly recommend you join before you are fully burned out, stressed and have completely lost your balance. And so joining when you are feeling actually pretty great will only help you to connect even deeper to the space that you are currently in, plus having these practices and the reset as a toolkit in your life is the biggest gift to yourself. I use these practices alllll the time myself, sometimes more in a structured way (by exactly following the steps) and sometimes more as general self-care and connection time, picking a different practice every time.


Any more questions?

Always feel free to reach out to me personally on instagram @dieketerweel.