In this episode I share why embracing your menstruation cycle is key for women if they want to step fully into their power and come to a space of self-acceptance and love. I share my story of how I went from absolutely hating my period to loving it and now actually using the energetics of each phase to my advantage. I also share the basics around the energetics behind each phase to make you see that it is much more than just a physical process your body goes through. Embracing your menstruation cycle will make you able to unluck your feminine wisdom and really tap into the magic of being a woman.
Read MoreIn this episode I share my story of how I went from someone that aspired to become a though-ass business consultant working 70 hours a week and climbing the career ladder, to moving my ass to Bali teaching naked yoga and helping women reach orgasms, something I definitely didn’t see coming… Besides that I share 3 things that are essential to being a Freedom Seekster; someone that wants to unleash their soul, walk their own path and be fully authentic.
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